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About the Course

 Competition Novice, Open and Utility classes are scheduled as 10 week long courses.

Competition Novice, Open and Utility classes are open to both members and non-members who meet eligibility requirements.

NOVICE CLASSES cover all of the AKC Beginner Novice and Novice exercises - Heeling on and off leash (including Figure 8), Sit and Stand for Examination, Recalls/Finishes, and Sit/Down Stays.

OPEN CLASSES cover all of the AKC Open Exercises - Heeling off leash (including Figure 8), Command Discrimination, Drop on Recall, Retrieve on the flat and over the high jump, Broad Jump, and Stand for Examination. Prerequisite: dog must be reliable off leash.

UTILITY CLASSES cover all of the AKC Utility Exercises - Signals, Scent Discrimination (articles), Directed Retrieve (glove exercise), Moving Stand, and Directed Jumping (go outs). Prerequisites: dog must be reliable off leash, as well as having a solid retrieve.

UDX CLASSES are intended for those dogs who have earned their UD title and wish to continue their obedience journey towards a UDX and/or possible OTCH.  It will incorporate both Open and Utility exercises. Prerequisite: UD title on dog entering class.​

To find out when the class is held, see the Schedule.

Non-Members can enroll online or download an application HERE. 

The Non-Member fee for the 10 week course is $347 if paying by check, or $360 if paying by PayPal.

For more information, email our Registrar or call (610) 941-6394 and leave a message.

Your Instructor

Barbara Doering, Sharon Wendelgass

Suburban Dog Training Club
1011 E. Willow Grove Avenue

Wyndmoor, PA 19038

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